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Past vs Future

Writer: Rick CarterRick Carter

Within one week we will have a new Adelaide City Council for the next 4 years. We have until Wednesday to influence the makeup by ensuring as many people who are eligible vote for a bright future.

Less than 6 months ago I had never considered running for any public office.

But when approached by 3 members of the current Adelaide City Council after I had complained about months of inactivity on the old LeCornu site (88 Oconnell St) and lengthy consultation re its long term future, I needed to consider it.

I live by the mantra If not Me who? If not Now when?

So was it time to put up or shut up?

I consulted with 3 of my most trusted mentors who basically said this was my opportunity to give those I support - The Startups, the Entrepreneurs, the Creatives, the Innovators etc and the beliefs I have re the future - a much needed voice on the Adelaide City Council.

I am very pleased that many others who share similar views made the same decisions in other Council areas - Andrew Andrews (Burnside), John Noonan (Glenelg), Wendy Perry and Robert Godden (Onkaparinga) and others.

During the course of the campaign I have met almost all of the 39 Candidates running for 12 positions (inc Lord Mayor) and found them to be all good, well meaning people wanting the best for Adelaide but coming from many different angles in terms of the HOW.

What surprised me most was how few had a good knowledge of future e.g. Smart Cities Technology, Autonomous Vehicles, Circular Economy etc and the increasingly rapid pace of change ahead of us. I divided the candidates into 3 groups - 1. A small number that have a good understanding and vision inc Lord Mayor Candidate Sandy Vershoor, 2 A significant number who are very willing to learn and 3 A small number who are not interested and want to stop progress and take us back to the "glorious"past.

We now need a few hundred of the thousands that don't vote to vote for the future by choosing from among my recommended list of Candidates with incredibly diverse backgrounds (ethnicity, demographically, politically etc) here -

Most of them I did not know 3 months ago but have been working closely with many for several weeks now building future visions and plans to support the needs and expectations of people who live and work in the City and North Adelaide.

During the campaign I have talked at every event about the importance of Startups, Entrepreneurs, Innovation and technologies like Autonomous Shuttles, Blockchain and more - all aimed at solving todays problems with the already proven Technology and business models of the future.

I also emphasised the importance of the Council supporting Startups, Innovation and Entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile some other Candidates (Category 3) either ignored or mocked my visions and did not bother to come and ask me why I believed as I do in the future etc.

My key points are listed at

BUT It is unreasonable for the elected Councillors to have a detailed enough understanding of where the world is heading in the next 4 years and beyond to provide adequate direction and support for the Administration. As such I will be proposing an advisory group of the best qualified and available people who understand Adelaide and have the international experience in relevant areas - Technology, Financial, Environment etc to provide advice on solving the big problems with the proven technology and business models of the future.

For more on this check

By 2040 their will be more people under 18 than over 60 in Adelaide - we need to be thinking in terms of the world they will live in … not us!!

Shared Commitments



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