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Smart City Advisory Panel

Writer: Rick CarterRick Carter

My Aim is to Think about and deliver whats best for Adelaide and act in the best interests of North Adelaide in doing so.

But I am seeing lots of statements about what we want with words like Vibrant, Liveable, Activation, Protection etc with little substance as to how this can be achieved. Most people who stand for council are not necessarily as involved with the future as I am given my role mentoring Startups at ThincLab, NVI and Carnegie Mellon and my role as founder of Innovation in the City. As such Councillors tend to be lead by “experts” on the staff of the Council who may not be the best informed.

I fear this will result in a Council that calls for more long winded, feasibility studies, reports and consultations etc rather than getting on with it.

The biggest problem we must confront is apathy, when the biggest issue in North Adelaide is Parking (as I find in door knocking) we need to broaden our horizons and think like we are part of a major World Class city and focus on the benefits that will bring.

If Adelaide is to deliver on its vision to be a Smart City of the future we need to get on with it. New technology and business models are developing, changing, evolving and morphing at a constant and rapid rate in the world today.

With Feasibility and Consultancy being replaced by Empathise and Ideate and Planning by Prototypes and Testing (aka Trying Things) there are new ways of thinking needed if we are to move ahead fast enough.

It is unreasonable for the elected Councillors to have a detailed enough understanding of where the world is heading in the next 4 years to provide adequate direction and support for the Administration.

As such I will be proposing an advisory group of best qualified and available people who understand Adelaide and have the international experience in relevant areas -Technology, Financial, Environment etc to provide advice on solving the big problems with the proven technology of the future.

They could be people who are residents, living overseas and even some of our past Thinkers in Residence. People such as Dr Fiona Kerr, Stephen Yarwood, Prof Nick Falkner and many more .

We need to solve the big problems of today with the already proven technology and business models of the future and stop waiting till everything is trialled and tested in Adelaide.

By 2040 their will be more people under 18 than over 60 in Adelaide - we need to be thinking in terms of the world they will live in … not us!! Adelaide is to deliver on its vision to be a Smart City of the future we need to get on with it. New technology and business models are developing, changing, evolving and morphing and a constant and rapid rate in the world today.




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